Explota celular a niño de 3 años y su madre #Fotos

En Inglaterra un celular marca Samsung explotó mientras Lucy Pinder y su hijo de 3 años, Joseph, dormían a un lado del teléfono.

Collect of the exploded Samsung phone. See SWNS story SWPHONE; A mum thought her family's life was in danger when her mobile phone exploded - next to her sleeping toddler. Lucy Pinder, 28, was sleeping next to her three-year-old son Joseph with her phone charging on the floor, when the Samsung device suddenly started smoking and burst into flames. The waitress, whose electrician husband Michael was sleeping downstairs, was sharing her bed with toddler Joseph when the phone woke her up with a giant bang. Lucy said: ¿I woke up to a massive bang and the room was filled with thick smoke.

El celular se encontraba en el piso y conectado al cargador, en un momento comenzó a salir humo del mismo y de repente se escuchó una fuerte explosión los despertó.

La madre estaba muy asustada solo de pensar que muchas otras noches había dejado el celular cargando sobre la cama, ella se pregunta: ¿Qué habría pasado si el teléfono hubiera explotado sobre la cama?

Collect of the exploded Samsung phone. See SWNS story SWPHONE; A mum thought her family's life was in danger when her mobile phone exploded - next to her sleeping toddler. Lucy Pinder, 28, was sleeping next to her three-year-old son Joseph with her phone charging on the floor, when the Samsung device suddenly started smoking and burst into flames. The waitress, whose electrician husband Michael was sleeping downstairs, was sharing her bed with toddler Joseph when the phone woke her up with a giant bang. Lucy said: ¿I woke up to a massive bang and the room was filled with thick smoke.

Al día siguiente Lucy llevo el celular a la tienda donde lo adquirió, tan solo 2 meses atrás. El aparato fue enviado a la fabrica de Samsung en Corea.

Collect of the exploded Samsung phone. See SWNS story SWPHONE; A mum thought her family's life was in danger when her mobile phone exploded - next to her sleeping toddler. Lucy Pinder, 28, was sleeping next to her three-year-old son Joseph with her phone charging on the floor, when the Samsung device suddenly started smoking and burst into flames. The waitress, whose electrician husband Michael was sleeping downstairs, was sharing her bed with toddler Joseph when the phone woke her up with a giant bang. Lucy said: ¿I woke up to a massive bang and the room was filled with thick smoke.

La marca no dio ninguna explicación de porqué sucedió la explosión, pero para tratar de dejar al cliente “más tranquilo” le enviaron un celular con un valor de 1,2oo dólares.

Lucy Pinder comentó, lo más importante para ella es trasmitir el mensaje, para que las demás personas se enteren que puede ser peligroso dejar el celular conectado al cargador durante toda la noche y peor si lo dejan sobre la cama o la almohada. Collect of the exploded Samsung phone. See SWNS story SWPHONE; A mum thought her family's life was in danger when her mobile phone exploded - next to her sleeping toddler. Lucy Pinder, 28, was sleeping next to her three-year-old son Joseph with her phone charging on the floor, when the Samsung device suddenly started smoking and burst into flames. The waitress, whose electrician husband Michael was sleeping downstairs, was sharing her bed with toddler Joseph when the phone woke her up with a giant bang. Lucy said: ¿I woke up to a massive bang and the room was filled with thick smoke.