Viral: Tunden en redes a H&M por poner niña negra ‘despeinada’ en su publicidad

La compañía sueca fue criticada por la imagen que da aspecto de descuido.

La publicidad incluye a una niña con chongo, ‘ni siquiera se molestaron en ponerle gel’ señalan usuarios en redes.

Lo que molesta es la poca atención al arreglo de la pequeña. Sin embargo, en el lado contrario, hay usuarios que mencionan que no ‘hay forma de mejorar el peinado’.

¿Qué opinas está despeinada o es un estilo propio?

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It’s essential that we have a conversation about this photograph from the @hm_kids campaign.  Before I begin, I do not have the facts, nor have I seen any statement by #H&M or the team who worked on this. This post is just an assessment based on all my years of seeing situations like this happen time and time again.  And its got to stop. This beautiful young girl’s #kinky hair appears to have had very little to no attention yet all of her counterparts have clearly sat in front of someone who was more then capable of styling other hair textures. My heart breaks imagining yet another girl from my community sitting in front of a mirror being ignored by the team around her, left to her own devices because someone didn’t know how to handle her texture. As if that’s not bad enough…. Prior to this campaign appearing this photograph will have been seen and APPROVED by countless ‘professionals'. Lets say conservatively 50 people. It’s breathtaking to me that not one person looked at this shot and had the same reaction that the internet seems to be feeling since the campaign broke.  THAT IS AN ISSUE.  We must do better.  Our girls, our young women deserve better.  Let this be a moment of learning. #Education is key #wehavetodobetter #vernonfrancois #Ignorance #blackgirlmagic #allhairisgoodhair

Una publicación compartida de Vernon François (@vernonfrancois) el